Chiara Sabbatini
PhD student
INSERM and Sorbonne Université Faculté de Mèdecine
Paris, France email: chiara.sabbatini (at) twitter: @chiaresabbatini |
Short bio After three years of Bachelor in Engineering Physics at the Polytechnic of Turin (IT) Chiara was accepted by the International Master in Physics of Complex Systems, a master whose three semesters took place in three different cities: Trieste (IT), Turin (IT), and Paris (FR). In this context, she was introduced to mathematical modeling of complex systems, and started to express a profound interest in infectious disease epidemiology. Chiara got her Ph.D. at IPLESP Institute in collaboration with Sorbonne University, under the supervision of Dr. Vittoria Colizza and she is now a postdoctoral researcher
Research activities
Chiara's research focuses on the spread of COVID-19 in France. During the first year of her PhD, she used a transmission model stratified by age, variant, and vaccination status to provide scenario analyses that anticipate the possible evolution of the pandemic, taking into account social distancing measures and the future vaccination campaign. She also carried out analyses to quantify the effectiveness of interventions as well as their sustainability and population adherence to them over time. Chiara's current work focuses on the spatial aspect of the spread. In particular she is evaluating the impact of synchronous national interventions or local regional interventions as the pace status and efficacy of vaccination changes, calibrating a metapopulation epidemic model that is interconnected by a mobility network.
EPIcx lab, 27 rue Chaligny, 75012, Paris, France
INSERM - Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale
Sorbonne Université, Faculté de Médecine
IPLESP UMR-S 1136, site Hôpital St Antoine
INSERM - Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale
Sorbonne Université, Faculté de Médecine
IPLESP UMR-S 1136, site Hôpital St Antoine